The stomping ground of Ramsay the Dachshund!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

wiener gets wood...sort of

In order to protect the carpet underneath Ramsay’s area, New Mama and I decided to cover it with some form of plastic - easier to clean up accidents!  We had initially considered laying a plastic office chair mat down, but found the area too big for just one.  The idea of foam flooring came up, though we didn’t want the area to look like a child’s play-area (not YET, anyway...).  I came across these foam floor tiles on the internet and our problem was solved:
faux wood design on foam tile
the finished product!
In order to protect against any spillage through the cracks in the foam tiles, i laid down a large, flattened piece of coardboard, covered by a waterproof sheet, then the tiles on top.  Hopefully Ramsay will like it as much as we do!

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