As kickoff approaches, we find dogbert moping on the carpet that has become his own little playing field. Defiant, little Rams Roethlisbarker wears the jersey of his favorite team and refuses to watch the upcoming game.
superbowl-pooperbowl, mom and dad. i'm not watching if our team isn't playing.
What if we give you a treat and scratchies behind the ears?
well, maybe i'll watch after halftime then...
but there MUST be scratchies...
but there MUST be scratchies...
I agree! Great plan
Dachshund Nola
Mom & I aren't watching the pooperbowl either, Ramsay!! We're having a Golden Girls marathon today:)
haha! we almost missed it because of a law and order marathon :) i know how you feel, we wanted green bay to be in the super bowl!! i hope you got some enjoyment out of it anyway.
oh, i had a blast as soon as i found out there would be treats AND scratchies!
aw me loves your jersey ramsay! :) b
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