you sure she's coming, dad cuz i don't see her.
oh, wait! no, that's not her.
she said she was coming, right?
boy, i can't wait to see her!
it's been so long, but i can't tell how long because i have no concept of time. ooh, i cant wait to tell her all about my day and all the stuff we did like hang out on the couch , and play hide and seek in my crate, and eat greenies, and sunbathe on the sofa, and play fetch with dragon, and bark at the mailman even though i shouldn't but i had to because i wanted to let someone know the mail was in, and hang out with alex the grate, and ...
Ramsay - waiting with me in the car to pick NewMama up from work...
Don't you just love waiting for your mama? I do I get SO excited! That's such a cute picture of you
Dachshund Nola
You are watching for NewMama so carefully 'cuz you don't want to miss her. Love the picture Ramsay.
Sounds like you had a very busy day there. Say hi to your friend Alex the Grate! He's sure to be your bestest friend too.
Lily Belle
What a great capture of you waiting for your NewMama!! When I hear my mom coming in the door I bark&bark&bark for her to come let me our of my crate so I can show her ow much I missed her!!
NOLA: OMD! i totally go nuts waiting for mom or dad! that's one of dad's 'instagram' pix. he's getting the hang of it i think.
LILY: i think i counted every single person that walked by the car! of course mom came around the OTHER side of the car so i didn't see her until she was at the door! oh, yes - quality time with alex is gooooood!
JASPER/AMY: whenever i hear mom or dad's car i race the the window closest to the garage so i can catch them as they walk toward the house! i don't bark as much - just wag my tail off and shuffle! BOL!
this is so cute!! you can really see the intensity :) he's not going to miss seeing anything. such pretty eyes!
You can see the excitement in your face. Great pic.
you're so beautiful!!!
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